3 Views· 01/27/25· Tech

UNDERCOVER RV Tech reviews Grand Design, Brinkley & Alliance RVs

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Who makes the best 5th Wheel? Grand Design, Brinkley or Alliance? In today's episode of "Undercover RV Tech" I review six 2023 5th Wheels - a "high-end" and "low-end" from each manufacturer - in an attempt to answer the question of who makes the best RV?
1) 2023 Grand Design - Reflection - 337RLS - 35'6" - Avg. Retail $76,300 - Floorplan - https://www.granddesignrv.com/....fifth-wheels/reflect
2) 2023 Grand Design - Solitude - 390RK - 41'5" - Avg. Retail $115,450 - Floorplan - https://www.granddesignrv.com/....fifth-wheels/solitud
3) 2023 Alliance - Avenue - 32RLS - 35'3" - Avg. Retail $77,650 - Floorplan - https://www.alliancerv.com/fifth-wheel-avenue
4) 2023 Alliance - Paradigm - 340RL - 37'10" - Avg. Retail $103,300 - Floorplan - https://www.alliancerv.com/fifth-wheel-paradigm
5) 2023 Brinkley - Model Z - 2900 - 32'11" - Avg. Retail $102,250 - Floorplan - https://www.brinkleyrv.com/rvs..../fifth-wheels/model-
6) 2023 Brinkley - Model Z - 3100 - 36' - Avg. Retail $103,850 - Floorplan - https://www.brinkleyrv/rvs/fif....th-wheels/model-z/31

Things I reference in the video:
FREE "Don't Get Stranded!" Checklist - https://undercoverrvshopper.com/
FREE RV Shopping Mini-Course - https://www.undercoverrvshopper.com/mini-course/
Full RV Shopping Course - https://undercoverrvshopper.com/rv-shopping-course/
Tool-Free RV Maintenance Course - https://undercoverrvshopper.com/tool-free-rv-maintenance-course/

- YouTube video on BAL Accu-slides - https://youtu.be/G8pzSu7nLJY
- YouTube video on Common RV Plumbing issues - https://youtu.be/YPQ_aTOW5xw
- Episode 1 of Undercover RV Tech - https://youtu.be/Ejf9b1qDR0k

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