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Skyrim - Longplay Main Quest Full Game Walkthrough [No Commentary] 4k

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Skyrim Main Quest Longplay. Ah Skyrim a fantastic open-world game. So for this playthrough I created a Strength based Nord Warrior, focused on Two-Handed, One-Handed, and Restoration Magic, with a dash of Archery. I mainly wielded a Two-Handed Sword, and for tougher fights a One-Handed Axe & Shield, plus Restoration to help with my Health and Stamina regeneration. One thing I have to say is I just love the cheesy dialogue in Skyrim, and its stunning soundtrack. Oh I encountered a few funny glitches (big surprise)... Also I played on Expert difficulty which is a pretty good challenge. And I used just over 50 Mods. Most are just little improvements, better horses, lighting improvements, general fixes, small smithing update. That kind of stuff. Anyways like always I hope you enjoy this longplay :)

Gameplay recorded by Loopy


Intro - 0:00
Hey, you. You're finally awake - 0:50
Unbound - 7:30
Helgen Keep - 10:16
Escaped Helgen (Before the Storm) - 22:40
Riverwood - 30:09
Embershard Mine - 45:08
Riverwood Trader - 1:06:40
Bleak Falls Barrow - 1:16:36
The Golden Claw (Arvel) - 1:24:40
Dragonstone - 1:37:30
Exploring the Wilderness - 1:40:18
Half-Moon Mill - 1:44:00
The Headless Horseman - 1:51:28
Whiterun Stables - 1:59:27
Returning the Golden Claw - 2:10:52
Whiterun - 2:16:25
Adrianne Avenicci - 2:18:04
Dragonsreach - 2:26:07
Jarl Balgruuf - 2:26:28
Farengar - 2:29:00
Dragon Rising - 2:30:32
Mirmulnir (First Dragon Fight at the Western Watchtower) - 2:46:34
The Way of the Voice - 2:55:37
Journey to High Hrothgar - 3:20:20
Ivarstead - 3:45:58
Klimmek - 3:52:42
7,000 Steps - 3:57:30
High Hrothgar - 4:09:58
Arngeir - 4:11:17
Whirlwind Sprint - 4:17:07
Cultist - 4:31:38
Ri'saad - 4:44:18
Buying a Horse - 4:59:11
Exploring Whiterun Hold - 5:00:13
Ustengrav - 5:12:18
Horn of Jurgen Windcaller - 5:31:30
Delphine - 5:36:06
A Blade in the Dark - 5:56:54
Kynesgrove (Sahlokmir) - 6:09:50
Fus Ro Dah (Unrelenting Force) - 6:37:20
Vuljotnaak - 7:03:13
Sleeping Tree Camp & The Journey to Solitude - 7:11:48
Solitude - 7:43:27
Blue Palace - 7:54:42
The Man Who Cried Wolf - 7:55:22
Malborn - 8:06:00
Diplomatic Immunity - 8:09:54
Thalmor Embassy - 8:11:44
Elenwen & Party Guests - 8:13:51
Thalmor Espionage - 8:30:24
Elenwen's Solar - 8:38:32
Etienne Rarnis - 8:45:24
Escaping the Embassy - 8:51:23
A Cornered Rat - 8:58:24
The Blessings of Nature - 9:30:32
Some Good Ole Fashioned Smithing - 9:33:14
Onwards to Dawnstar - 9:41:10
Flying Deer - 10:13:34
Wolfskull Cave - 10:22:42
Falkreath - 10:39:42
Shor's Stone - 11:02:38
Riften - 11:10:57
The Ratway - 11:20:54
Esbern - 11:27:26
Another chat with Esbern & Onwards to Darkwater Crossing - 11:39:12
Sylgja - 11:45:07
Eldergleam Sanctuary - 11:52:06
Bonestrewn Crest - 11:59:48
Returning the Sap - 12:05:04
Esbern's History Lesson - 12:06:48
Frost Dragon & Karthspire Camp - 12:17:40
Sky Haven Temple - 12:30:50
Opening Sky Haven Temple - 12:36:04
Alduin's Wall - 12:36:54
Markarth - 12:57:38
Nahagliiv - 13:10:50
A bit of Alchemy, Enchanting, & Smithing - 13:17:24
The Wolf Queen Awakened - 13:29:19
Potema (The Wolf Queen) - 13:51:17
Shield of Solitude - 14:06:01
Morthal - 14:14:30
A chat with Arngeir - 14:18:07
Clear Skies - 14:24:14
The Throat of the World - 14:25:34
Paarthurnax - 14:30:20
Esbern's Dream - 14:57:12
Shearpoint (Krosis & Frost Dragon) - 15:01:08
Viinturuth - 15:15:55
Windhelm - 15:23:13
Blood on the Ice - 15:30:14
Catching the Butcher - 16:00:00
Winterhold - 16:11:28
College of Winterhold - 16:12:00
Urag gro-Shub - 16:17:25
Septimus Signus' Outpost - 16:25:40
Septimus Signus - 16:26:23
Alftand Glacial Ruins - 16:46:35
Dwarven Centurion - 17:14:15
Umana & Sulla - 17:15:54
Blackreach - 17:17:26
Vulthuryol - 17:31:28
Tower of Mzark - 17:38:05
Transcribing the Lexicon (Discerning the Transmundane) - 17:40:00
Elder Scroll (Dragon) - 17:41:24
Returning to Septimus - 17:53:48
Unlocking the Dwemer Box - 18:05:52
Oghma Infinium & Hermaeus Mora - 18:07:28
Returning to Paarthurnax (Elder Knowledge) - 18:12:41
Learning Dragonrend - 18:13:53
Alduin's Bane (Fight against Alduin) - 18:18:44
Season Unending - 18:23:08
Paarthurnax Dilemma - 18:28:34
A bit of crafting & trading - 18:38:52
A request for the Jarl of Whiterun - 18:50:27
General Tullius - 18:57:05
Ulfric Stormcloak - 19:00:44
The Greybeard Council - 19:06:40
The Fallen - 19:27:20
Odahviing - 19:29:09
The World-Eater's Eyrie - 19:38:48
Skuldafn - 19:39:59
Skuldafn Temple - 20:00:26
Nahkriin - 20:18:12
Sovngarde - 20:21:02
Tsun - 20:26:17
Hall of Valor - 20:30:04
Challenging Alduin (Dragonslayer) - 20:33:57
Alduin (Final Boss Fight) - 20:36:02
Epilogue (Alduin Mahlaan) - 20:40:09
Credits - 20:55:54
The End - 21:05:24

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Full Game Walkthrough played on PC via Steam :)

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